HL from dr Lawerence Ang

Hi , any mummies here taken any HL from dr Lawerence ang ( Sembawang) before ? I’m hving very bad morning sickness and I couldn’t work at all :(

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Same here. But I told my boss and my colleagues about it and seek for their understanding. At least my job can just sit. Down. I think morning sickness is common, the most they give you med for nausea control.

Hi there! I was on the same page last time I was pregnant and Dr. Lawrence gave me 2 sets of HL which is 7 days each, and he put remarks as Hyperemesis there. My morning sickness lasts about 2 months🥴

not personally. he also is associated with thomson medical as per public information. its quite normal to have morning sickness.

Super Mom

You can try... But I think you can only get mc.. Morning sickness is very normal.

Yes he does give HL

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Likely Mc?