Not ready to eat

Hi son is 10mths old but he do not want to eat..try alot of food...he have 4tooth alrdy...another 2 upper tooth coming out...what should i do..?worried thoug....TIA...

3 Replies
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Super Mom

My boy wouldn’t eat any solids until 11 months when I started sending him to infantcare. I tried traditional and baby led weaning both failed. Even until now at 21 months his appetite is still very small, very picky with food. Seldom finish meals. But he still drinks a lot of milk.

3y trước

tks for the info..

Thành viên VIP

You can introduce more variety to him. Porridge etc. But don’t worry, below 1 year old main source of nutrient is still milk.

3y trước

tks for the info...

Super Mom

Hey Mama, Continue to encourage him to try new foods. Don’t give up. He will get there eventually.

3y trước

tks for the info