I use shiseido adenovital shampoo before labour. And after pp 3rd month ish I start to have alot of hair lost. I start to use shiseido adenovital anti hairlost Scalp essence and now it has stop. The falling period only lasted me 1 half month. I'm happy. Pm me if u interested. I'm the trainer there. I'm not selling. But I can intro u which salon does delivery in covid 19.
I tried using this shampoo grafen recently, it seems to make my hair strands thicker but not sure if it helps reduce hair fall, it claims to though. You can give it a try but I don't think there's any easy remedy for this as it has to do with hormones :( just need to wait it out, we all need to go through this.
There are multiple anti hairfall shampoos in the market. I believe they help a little (I tried the Yves Rocher one), but ultimately, I’m just waiting for my hormone levels to go back to normal so everything will get better 😔
pp hairfall is normal as your body is shedding all the hair u got during pregnancy
I cut my hair short and it helped reduce hair fall!
I used this wouwou shampoo and it works for me.
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