How Early Does Braxton Hicks Start?
Hi mummies, recently I am having pain at the right side of my tummy and already few days. Is a on off pain kind. Currently at week25 6days entering wk26. Please advise? FTM. Thank you.
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Super Mom
Braxton Hicks feels more like a tightening sensation but shouldn't come with pain. It could be the baby pressing on your tummy, but if in doubt you should check with your gynae for peace of mind.
I had one episode of squeezing pain at around 28 weeks, on left side of my belly. I think that's my first (and so far only) Braxton hicks
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5y trước
Ohhic. Will take note. Thank you.
Super Mom
For my wife it is 3rd trimester
5y trước
Where is the pain area during braxton hicks?
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