8 Replies

Super Mum

Hey mamas! Though one may find this change a concern, I’m actually so glad that hospitals are adopting this practice! Yes, bottle feeding too early has a chance of causing baby to be confused between the human nipple and the bottle teat. It is recommended that cup feeding should be used to feed baby other than a direct latch. Syringes are also used so that there’s more control over the amounts of milk that enters baby’s mouth - this is a great way to feed baby mama’s colostrum too since it isn’t produced in huge amounts. There’s an article from WHO about this with evidence backing all this, here: https://www.who.int/elena/titles/review_summaries/cup-feeding-infants/en/ Under findings and recommendations it states: “Overall, results demonstrated a benefit of cup feeding over bottle feeding on breastfeeding rates up to six months of age. “ If baby has to absolutely be bottlefed here’s some great tips for babies below 6 months: https://kellymom.com/bf/pumpingmoms/feeding-tools/bottle-feeding/

Infants can drink frm a cup, it's more like sips only since they can only take in a few ml at each feed in the first few days. For me my baby was fed via syringe right aft birth as I cld not latch him, I had csect and was shivering badly frm the aneathesia. It's not good to let infants suck on bottle teats before breastfeeding is established. So don't worry abt it. Nurses know what they're doing.

Super Mum

Cup feeding and syringe feeding are recommended for small infants to avoid nipple confusion, bottles are recommended only at 1 month plus I believe.It's totally safe don't worry, the nurses should teach you how to do it propwrly

VIP Member

Theres one time i see doctor and ask, one of the reason i heard is not to let your newborn addict to bottle so then when you latch, they wont reject.

I JuZ gave birth last month in KKH. The nurses used cups to feed my baby as well and surprisingly my baby could drink from it.

yeap. to prevent nipple confusion, they get newborn to drink from cup. and you'll be surprised they actually can!


yes I gave birth in gleneagles they use syringes to feed my baby

this happened in Mount E, I think is normal

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