Mummies pls advice me. I am relli veri depressed. I had a shortgun marriage. Kena pregnant before I marry hubby. I was thinking to abort or maybe have the baby but without him, but he convince me to get married cause he both love me and the baby. But the other day I was on his Facebook and I saw his message to his old fren where he say that I was pregnant, so marry me, bo pian. He say he actually want to oredi break up, but I got pregnant. So he just do the right thing. I am very hurt, because I never force him and he was the one kept bugging me to get married. I feel like just throw the divorce paper on his face. Any advice?

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Speak with him on your thoughts, i believe he will be the best person to explain. Most importantly speak to him main objective is to clarify and not making it a confrontation move. Hope all goes well. I just had a talk with my hub last night, as there had been issues i felt i needed to speak with him. Becos i needed some assurance from him on incidents that have occured and been swept under the carpet for some time. In fact, things went well, he thank me for letting him know. And he gave me his assurances, so all swept under carpet is now being cleared.

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