7 Replies

Spotting before your period can indeed be confusing, especially when you're trying to conceive. Firstly, it's great that you're reaching out for advice. I've been through similar experiences and understand how worrying it can be. Spotting can sometimes be a sign of early pregnancy, but it can also occur due to various other reasons, like hormonal changes, stress, or even changes in your diet or exercise routine. Since you've tested negative on a pregnancy kit, it's possible that the spotting could be related to something else. Seeing a doctor is definitely a good idea, as they can provide a more personalized assessment based on your medical history and symptoms. You can start by visiting a regular clinic or a general practitioner (GP). They can either help you or refer you to a specialist if needed. In the meantime, try to relax and take care of yourself. Stress can sometimes exacerbate symptoms, so engaging in activities that help you unwind might be beneficial. And remember, you're not alone in this journey. Many of us have been through similar uncertainties, and there's always support available. If you need further assistance, don't hesitate to reach out. Wishing you all the best on your journey to motherhood! Mama's Choice $18 voucher 👉🏻 https://invl.io/cll6she

I had brown spotting that lasts for 2 weeks, went for check ups and was told to wait till period or atleast test for pregnancy 2 weeks after missed period for the most accurate result. feel free to see doctor for peace of mind but honestly they'll say the same thing. don't worry too much about it! but in the end I was pregnant hahaha weird spotting experience tho

happened to me too. i had spotting starting the day of my period and it went on for the next 3 days. so i assumed my period was having a moment and it’s not pregnancy. i also didn’t experience other symptoms to indicate otherwise. it was only about 2-3 weeks after my supposed period that i noticed other symptoms so I peed on a stick. 6th month pregnant now

thanks for sharing? so should i see the doc or wait first?

I had spotting too with my second pregnancy. I thought I had some issues with my period. Went straight to see a Dr and turns out I was pregnant. Sometimes if pregnancy is still early, the kit might not detect. Maybe wait for a few days more and test again.

same with me, spotting throughout my supposed period week. after that, then I tested positive. no need to visit doc. I read that would just be old blood or implantation bleeding.

Maybe wait till your period missed then test again with the kit, I think no point see doctor now


i would choose to wait till period

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