Am i pregnant?
Hi mummies out there anyone experience ovulation cramping slight spotting? Is there such thing? As i didn't encounter any spotting or cramping during my ovulation period but first time i did. Experience mild cramping on n off and some spotting but v mild as well...I tested with ovulation kit its has faint lines and pregnancy kit with a super faint line shadow like. There is still 13days before my period...

Hey there! It sounds like you're experiencing some new symptoms and are wondering if you might be pregnant. Ovulation cramping and slight spotting can definitely occur, as our bodies can sometimes react differently from month to month. The faint lines on your ovulation and pregnancy tests could be an indication that something is happening, but it's still early to say for sure. If you're still 13 days away from your expected period, it might be a bit too early to get a clear result on a pregnancy test. My advice would be to wait a few more days and then take another test to see if the lines become clearer. In the meantime, try to stay relaxed and take care of yourself. Regardless of the outcome, it's important to listen to your body and seek medical advice if you have any concerns. Good luck, and I hope everything turns out the way you want! Mama's Choice $18 voucher 👉🏻
Read moreI got a very very faint line 10dpo for my pregnancy… went to clinic to take a hcg blood test to confirm the pregnancy. And I was indeed pregnant. You can walk in to any private clinic and request for a hcg blood test even if you have not missed your period.
13 days means that you're probably ovulating. even if any sperm had fertilised your egg, it's way too early for the pregnancy test to show anything. Wait till you've missed your period then test again, save your money.
Test again with the pregnancy kit once you missed your period :)
Yes i sometimes get ovulation cramp! Like period cramp but mild