pubic bone pain

Hi mummies . Now am 38 weeks 4 days. I have terrible pain when walking sitting. The side bone very pain. Anybody is having the same. Is it normal. This is my first baby.

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Yes it's normal, my pubic bone started paining in 39 weeks it will go away after delivery

same here 37 weeks and there is pain in public bone which is terrible , my first baby

Please see your gynae , maybe baby is lying too low n it could be the pressure.

its completely normal. try using hot water bags. it will help alot.

yes all pains are very common do some stretching excercises

Thành viên VIP

Normal. But if the pain gets unbearable do see a doctor

Yes am also 38weks and 6days I feel the same too

4y trước


Thành viên VIP

See your doctor if the pain is unbearable

Same here 37WeeksDay5 but pain wholebody

me too.. im only 29 weeks