Feeling nauseous 😔

Hi mummies. Is it normal to feel nauseous the whole day during 1st trimester? I know some mummies only feel it in the morning due to morning sickness. I have been feeling sick and nauseous the whole day. Pls share some tips ☹#1stimemom

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Absolutely normal... both my pregnancies I threw up and felt nauseous all the way till the 4-5months (day & night). Hang in there. Keep reminding yourself to take it one day at a time. 1. Try eating something sour (candy or plums) or salty plain crackers. 2. Sometimes you are triggered by certain smells, identify which smells makes u feel sick and avoid as much as possible (I couldn’t stand the scent of floral bath soaps/laundry detergent/cooking exhaust smell/fried food smell/laundry smell) 3. Take smaller frequent meals and sips of drinks (try iso tonic drinks) 4. Change your meal option, certain food u may not feel like eating any more or cause u to feel sick. I ate a lot of bread/cheese/clear soups cause I didn’t like eating proper meals (rice/noodles) during the first 4-5 months Hope this helps! It gets better...really! One step one day at a time.

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3y trước

Thank you so much for the helpful tips! ❤ As for me, all smell do trigger and its hard to avoid this and yes i prefer soupy food options too!