Hi! You can start buying stuff along the way. I started buying some baby clothes in second tri and bigger items later.
https://www.next.sg/en/shop/gender-newborngirls-gender-newbornunisex-category-bodysuits-0 is a good place for baby onesies / clothes! The prices are really competitive. So far the items I got feels well made and the materials are soft to touch.
Just buy enough clothing based on how frequent you intend to do laundry. I agree they will just grow out of clothes so quickly!
Sterilizer is important since babies don't have a lot of antibodies for many things and their system is just more vulnerable. I personally didn't think a UV sterilizer was necessary so I just got a steamer version from Philip Avent, which is just for milk bottles. I was told by my SIL that a warmer is not necessary, she just ended up just using a hot bowl of water to warm the milk and it worked out well and it was faster for her.
I also prefer to get items like stroller, proper baby carrier and playpen when my baby is bigger. I know of mummies who do that too! For one, you can put the baby in the carrier and stroller to see if he/she is comfortable in it; or if the carrier is comfortable for you with a real baby in it. I've heard of mums who didn't end up using these items when they bought too early cause their babies just didn't want to be in them anyway.