BCG vaccination

Hi mummies, need some advice! Baby recently got a bump on his arm, I’m not sure if it’s due to BCG vaccination. So far he only got his first dose before he got discharged from kkh, have not gotten his second dose yet and the bump appeared 1.5 months after his first dose, does it make sense?

BCG vaccination
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Yup looks normal. Don’t worry about it and please do no try to rub anything on it. It will slowly burst from a pimple and heal on its own :)

the kkh nurse didnt explain to you? anyway pls dont pop it on purpose as it will have infection on it.

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yes it is normal. it will burst from a pimple then heal up to be like the one you had on your arm.

Yes it is normal. Don’t need to do anything about it.

Yes normal. Don’t pop it!!!