Hi mummies! Need an advice frm you, i have a 4 year old daughter she has concentration problems. How do i increase her focus level in class? Today her teacher just came to me again to leave a feedback that she easily lose focus in class, but are able to repeat what the teacher had taught. But just that she easily loses her focus. Am a bit worried would this affect her developmental years ahead? I wouldn't want to stress her during the weekdays as she has been inside classroom for the whole day and i wouldnt want to add in more pressure. Do you have any advice on how i could make her improve on her concentration level?

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Stop electronic stimulation. Give her simple tasks to do and once completed you can either praise her or reward her. What I did was I started to draw on drawing block and make her colour them either with finger paint or colour pencils. Then I moved on to tracing of letters or patterns. Initially she was rather demanding to watch tv when the task was barely completed but there and then I reminded her to watch her show is to complete and limit her watching time. I gradually remove the watching time and replace it with stickers and now totally wean her off the reward system and tv. I read books to her, got her busy books to play with and gradually she spins her own stories from the pictures on the pages. I also bought her educational toys ie sorting box, old school fishing game to train her eye and motor coordination, patience and perseverance; jigsaw puzzles, and involve her in daily household chores. It will be tough in the beginning and you have to be persistent and so does the people around you. Once she's up on track, you are good to go.

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