Bb weight at 3rd trimester

Hi mummies! Would u mind sharing your baby’s weight at 29 weeks/ 32 weeks in during pregnancy? I had an appt at W29 and my bb was 1.4kg, gynae says he’s considered overweight so I was told to cut down on carbs, certain fruits and sugar intake. I do not have GD but so far I’ve gained ~12kg. Also what’s the ideal weight range for natural birth? Is there any other ways to reduce bb weight? I’ve tried to avoid carbs (rice & noodles) and have lost about 1kg in a week. Not sure if it’s a good thing. #firsttimemom #advicepls #firstbaby

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3rd baby @ 30 weeks scan, 1.6kg. 😊 My 1st child was born 3.88kg @ 38+6, natural with epidural (but the epidural was administered pretty late and only fully took effect when baby was already out 😅😅). My 2nd child was born 3.5kg @ 38+5, natural without any pain relief (not even laughing gas), cause I wanted to experience all natural process. 👍 I don't think there is an "ideal" weight for baby, but depends on your body size and your gynae's advice.

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i've gained 12+kg at 32weeks and baby is 2.13kg 😅 gynae said nothing particularly alarming yet since baby is not exceptionally big so told me to just continue whatever I am doing. I'm naturally quite big built and very tall (175cm) so maybe baby weight relative to my body size isn't too concerning.

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During my last appointment at 28 weeks, my baby was 1.22kg and my gynae says she’s of ideal weight 😀 so I don’t think your baby is considered very overweight? Maybe just control your avocado/durian intake if you are consuming them and are concerned about bb weight gain.

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I'm week26 and baby's 1kg now. 🤣 My firstborn at 3.215kg at week38. as long as baby is healthy should be okay? alternatively change to healthy snacks like nuts when you feel like snacking!

2y trước

yes natural. but I had epidural. 😅 I've low threshold for pain. took me about 20 30 mins for her to be out? but oh goodness. the pain after the epidural is gone. it's crazy. have to go through this again in the next few months. 😂😂😂😂

At week 29, baby was 1.6kg but gynae says it’s normal so I guess it’s based on individual’s size? I’ve gained about ~10kg at that point