hi mummies, my lo likes to bite me esp when trying to nap. any tips to teaching him not to bite? he enjoys when there is 'big' reaction from adult and will continue doing even know we say in stern voice.
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I totally understand how you feel. Pretty similar to my child, he bites me randomly when playing. I get terribly upset by it. I ignored him for a while, that worked for me.
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be firm and say no. If he insist on biting, unlatch and said no more. Mummy is in great pain.
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8y trước
Be firm and tell him NO. As much as it hurts, try to stop giving any reaction.
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8y trước
sometimes its very random, guess i will just try not to react..
Are u preg?
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8y trước
Im asking if u r preg. U don understand?
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