
Hi Mummies! my lo is 4 months old and is only 4.8kg now. During her 3 month check up DR said she was in the 3% percentile. She isnt gaining weight and its very worrying for me. I DL through the night and also bottle feed day time. she drinks about 90-120mls every 3 hours. Besides that good diaper output and she is hitting milestones. Should I be worrying about the weight or isit okay? Please advice. Thanks in advance!

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I was worried about the weight during pregnancy, but gynae mentioned that it is no big concern as long as there is a steady pattern in weight gain

If Baby is healthy and well, no need worry. Weight (Number) is just for reference, just my opinion=)

Thành viên VIP

Other than the slow weight gain your child is otherwise healthy and progressing accordingly.

Super Mom

Has she always been in the 3rd centile? Or did it drop? What’s your BMI too? Are you petite?

4y trước

My daughter was born 3.365kg, which is above the 50th centile. By 2 months, she was in the 10-25th centile and has remained there ever since. My husband is rly thin too. Lol! And my elder daughter’s weight is also in that range. Both kids are healthy and happy and still growing.. so I’m cool with it:)

Influencer của TAP

I think as long as hit all milestone nothing much to worried about.

Thành viên VIP

I think so long as she hit milestone, its fine.