Mummies, my little girl's hair is growing very slowly, the front is less than 1cm Long. She's already 13mo. Would you shave off her hair if you were me? My Husband and mil are against the idea of shaving though.

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My girl has the same problem but to be honest, shaving doesn't work for us. My aunt rubbed some liquor on her hair without my knowledge and it's growing much faster. Still not a lot of hair but much better. Dunno to thank Her or not 😅. I'm not too worried cos both my mum and I were botak babies and we both have very thick hair now. I believe their hair will grow naturally when it's time.

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8y trước

Which type of alcohol used? My mil use coconut oil once in a while.

Shaving doesn't help and they will grow unevenly (becoming patches), might take even longer to grow them. My girl has the same problem, the key is to have patience. The hair will grow out eventually just that it might take some time. My girl's hair started growing at about 2yo.

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Your hair follicles are predetermined before you were born, so shaving wouldn't help to make thicker hair! In fact, the only reason some people see "thicker hair" is because there could be ingrown hair and split ends from where the hair was shaven :)

I've heard warming up some coconut oil and massaging gently into hair helps growth. But please make sure you test the temperature on your own skin first -leave in for 30mins then wash with shampoo after :)

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No need to shave. It's not true that shave means hair will grow longer faster nicer or thicker.

If u shave. The hair will be even shorter. Shaving for better hair is just old wives tales

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Don't shave. Shaving won't work. When it's time and ready. your LO hair will def grow.

8y trước

I see... luckily I ask first.

I won't shave. Just let it grow naturally. Its okay. Give it sometime

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i didnt shave for my girl. her hair starts to grow more after 2yo