7 Replies

I think it is a good sign your gal is weaning off milk gradually. This is expected as they rely more on solids for the nutrients. My gal at 13mths old still drink about 4-5 times a day which I find too much . Ideally I want to replace her lunch and dinner feeds with solids and cut to three times

My boy drink 4-5 times of 90 in a 24 hr period but sometimes he doesn't finish the 90ml. He eats 3 meals, cereal for bf n dinner and porridge for lunch. As long as gaining weight, the weight percentile not too much change, it is ok

My son drinks once in the morning, once in the afternoon, one in the evening and 2 night feeds. He drinks a lot of milk till date. Very Fussy. So I would say if your child is having a healthy and balance diet. All is well.

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My boy is taking 2 feeds everyday too, 270ml each time. I would like to believe it is enough for him.. since he is having 3 meals during the day.

As long as the meals provide a balanced diet for her it should be ok.

VIP Member

My 1yo will take milk during the nap time also.

2 to 3hrs different

Most welcome.

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