Putting on too much weight in first trimester!
Hi mummies, I’ve just seen the doctor and I am apparently gaining too much weight. I’m in week 10 and I’ve gained 3kg so far!! What about you? And have you managed your diet well? #firstbaby #advicepls #firsttimemom #help

Hello first time mum, although you might have cravings and tastebuds keep changing now and then throughout the pregnancy, it is important to watch the weight gain. By the time of delivery you must have gained a total of 7-10 kgs which is healthy. Some elders still believe that only if you gain weight it means the baby within is healthy, not at all. Second and third trimester is when the major weight gain will be. So start watching your diet from now. Cut down deep fried items, sweets, white sugar. Eat whole fruit or in milkshake form without filtering anything. Drink lot of water, try to get good sleep. Keep yourself active, because you are pregnant it doesn't mean you should be resting always, you can do all the household chores except lifting weight etc which your gynae would have advised. Don't skip your daily walk. discuss with your doctor and get an idea on the exercises you can do. Take care, best wishes for a healthy smooth pregnancy
Read moreI’m at week 35 and gained abt 8 kg. 2.5kg is my baby girl so I guess I’ve gained 5.5kg just me? I eat my normal quantity but I am mindful to include more fruits n nuts. I’m supposed to watch my glucose level but honestly after tracking for a month, I realise that all I’ve to do is stay active and my glucose reading goes down fast. I go for regular walks and pilates.
Read moreI (ftm) gained about the same as you. all in, about 17/18kg during the pregnancy and my baby was considered small size (all weight on me). I didnt worry with initial weight gain as gynae said k was near borderline underweight pre preg. 3mths pp, I'm back to pre preg weight and baby is also growing well. (no complications during preg)
Read moreIt is normal as long as you and the baby are both doing fine. But be very careful especially if you are approaching your 2nd to 3rd Tri as blood sugar and blood pressure arises when we gain much wt than thw normal. Do some exercise that ia advisable to cope up your increase in eating habits. Take care!
Read moreHehe hi I’m in week 12+ and I’ve gained 2.5🫣 I think it’s because I’m not working so I tend to nap after meals to curb the nauseous feeling…. N also my intake of sugar drinks increased (usually 2 cups of ice Milo a day.. else I feel super fatigue)
Maybe u can go for a walk... Control what u eat.. Cause u dont want the baby too be overly big.. If not u will suffer alil during labour. I think u can consult the doc about it.
I’m at 16th week now… gain around 2kg… not sure if that’s normal… I started to feel hungry easily starting week 14…
I'm down nearly 3kg when I checked at wk 11. And since my nausea worsen at week 11, I reckon I'm gonna be dropping more. T.T
I didn't gain any weight first trimester. but i lost 1kg due to nausea and vomitting
I actually lost weight. 2 to 3kg. 🥲 worried if my baby is developing well.
1st bundle of joy!!