10 Replies

I was 3cm for both pregnancy and I was only induced for my first pregnancy but not the second. I took jab, gas and epidural after few hours in labour when I am not dilating. Mind you for first pregnancy (most of the time) and for induced, labour can be pretty long and dilation to take place would be on average every 1cm opening will be about 1 to 2 hrs. If this is second pregnancy can be pretty fast but depend on the body. I took my second pregnancy gas and epidural. But the moment I just about to have epidural, my dilation was 4cm to 10cm within seconds. So you have to really prep yourself. If you think pain tolerance level not high, dilation takes pretty long then take it and rest. You need energy. But be prepare for side effects upon taking epidural. Also when taking epidural may/may not work for certain mummies so always be prepared for other birth plan method in mind.

Yeah true. I took twice epidural. The second pregnancy was the chaotic moment. Crazy of 4cm to 10cm. Lay down and push within 3 to 4 pushes and out she go. After few days, I got 1 week PP massage and I ask my makcik urut to tackle my pelvic, sciatic and epidural area. I wear waist trainer, bengkung lilit. Do once a month massage. This is to loosen the muscle cramp, pains etc. And I lessen cold water, AC because it can be sore and pain. Also lessen carrying my LO. So far so good no issue. Perhaps like you also mentioned maybe acupunture and chiro helps.

i was only given epi when 4cm dilated. took me really long to dilate and was suffering from the contraction pain for 1 day since induced. i was given pain killer injections 3/4 times (inject at ur thigh) and laughing gas but is really tiring to keep hold the laughing gas. was my first time experience but i really cannot imagine gg thru again 🤣

I was at Thomson Medical and got my epidural at 1.5cm dilation. I checked in for induced labour as baby overstayed! Overall labour hours was 22 hours. Checked in at 11pm. 0cm dilated Induced at 12.30am Contraction started at 7am Delivered 9pm.

You have to reach a certain cm (dilation) before epidural can be taken, so it depends on how fast you dilate. I was induced and given epidural within an hour, total labour was 6 hours from inducing, before that I was on laughing gas 😊.

You can take from 3cm onwards to before 7cm dilated. after 7cm -8cm they wont allow anymore. i was induced and at 8cm dilated i asked for epidural but not allowed n had to use all my strength to push! laughing gas helps alot for myself.

Are you giving birth at public or private hospital? I delivered at Thomson and the lady next to me at the labor room asked the doc to give her epidural even though she’s 0 cm dilation. Both of us were there for induced labor.

In NUH you’re allowed to take epidural once at 3cm(provided your cervix is thinning out~0.5cm) or 4 cm onwards. In private hosp eg Thomson hosp, 2 cm onwards you can have it as long you ask for it.

after i was induced, i am only allowed to take epidural after 6 hours (not sure why so specifi). but i deliver baby without epi after 5.5 hours

you need to wait before they can administer the epidural if not it will wear off before labour kicks in. usually abt 3cm and above.

have to reach 3cm dilation before epidural i was induced and didnt reach 3cm until on 2nd late night...😅

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