KKH procedure for delivery
Hi mummies, in the event we go to hospital, KKH, when we start feeling contraction or lost of mucus plug, will they straight away ask us to change to gown and push us to labour room? Or we’ll be sent to our ward first ? When do they strap the ctg thing & check dilation ? Can walk me through the procedure/steps? So i know what to expect. As for ward stay charges, they will only charge the days post delivery stay right ? Not before the stay in the event we have to stay at ward before being pushed to labour room. #FTM

Hi! First of all, it’s best to go when, you feel that the contractions are getting pretty strong. But before that, just make sure you have packed your hospital bag to bring along. But you know best when the time comes. For me, my contractions was 5 mins apart when i left my hse but my labour was 10hrs. So the procedure for subsidised patient: 1. Once you arrive Kkh, get a wheelchair if you cant walk. 2. Go to lvl 2 labour ward/clinic and register. 3. Nurse will ask what happened, contraction frequency, and your pain rate between 1 to 10. 4. They will bring you to an open observation room. In it there’s around 4 beds (closed by curtain) 5. Husband or whoever accompanying you will be right outside to fill in particulars and choosing bed. To me C ward is as good as B ward. Hee. 6. You will be lie down in the bed and nurse will strap you with the thing to monitor babys heart rate. 7. Nurse will ask you to remove underwear and give you a plastic bag. Cz your hospital bag will be with your husband. (To check dilation) 8. Mine was already 4cm so they said i cn already go to labour room. Other wise i think you will stay thr till 4cm or more. For my firstborn, i was 1cm for quite long so i was given a choice to eithr go bck or induce. I got induced in labour ward. 9. Your husband will then join you in labour room and you cn change to labour gown. There will be a reclining armchair for your husband. 10. Then the waiting game. They will ask if you need epidural etc. 11. Once baby is born (for normal delivery) and stitching is done, waiting time to get a ward is ard 1hr. During that time you cn breastfeed your baby. 12. You and husband will go to ward and baby will go to nursery to be cleaned and dressed and get a matching tag with yours. If you choose C ward, you dont have to pay anything upfront. Cashless. All will be billed later on. But all will be deducted fully from medisave. So we didnt top up for anything. For B ward, i think dont need also. Im not really sure. My secondborn is B ward and my current thirdborn is C ward. The space is pretty much the same. Pretty spacious to me. Hope this helps.
Read moreI went when my water bag broke at 2am. Don’t really rmr feeling any contractions. Showered at home first, then dressed up accordingly.. Took my hospital bag & left for KKH. Went straight to level 2. When I reached level 2, I pass them my pink booklet & explained that water bag broke. While they were doing the administration, my pad soaked up & I leaked like nobody’s business. Yes, I made a huge mess there 💁🏽♀️ They quickly wheeled me to the labour room. Changed, check for dilation. I was at 1-2cm like forever.. It was a super long labour 😰😰 Admitted on the 4th, baby only came out on the 6th at 4am.
Read moreShould you have mucus plug and contractions they will push you to observation ward to check before going to labour. Therefore advisable to have your hospital bag ready. Whatever the situation at that point, they will still have CTG and checking of dilation to see if you have dilate and how many cm. If you are in labour but didnt give birth and you back to ward, they will charge you accordingly. Your final bill will be in labour, in ward and entire bill inclusive pre natal. As far as I am aware charges will incurred.
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