On Duphaston for a week but light bleeding started (7weeks now)

UPDATE: I'm grateful to the fellow mom who encouraged me not to give up and to go for an immediate check with my gynae - baby is found safe, and we can hear his/her heartbeat now! (Previously was just the gestational sac) So after confirming that the pregnancy has progressed, my gynae prescribed me more medication to support the pregnancy: Duphaston (for morning & afternoon), and Utrogestan (for evening). Now my heart is at ease... Urging all fellow mums with a similar situation as mine to do the same! It can save a tiny life!❤ ‐----------------------------------------------------------------- Hi mummies in the community, I had brown spotting/discharge a week ago and was on Duphaston since. But today, light bleeding (without clots) started, and it was on-off. Sometimes I only see it when I wipe, sometimes it stained my pad. I read about other mums with similar experiences at about the same gestation age, and am torn between: 1. Continuing the fight with Duphaston, or 2. Stop Duphaston and let my body clear the tissue naturally with menses Honestly, although it's only been a week, it's been a grueling and stressful fight. I'm feeling mentally exhausted as I had miscarried just last month as well at 5 weeks. Should I give up the fight and just let my body clear naturally? If I were to press on, and in the end need D&C surgery (like if Duphaston is artificially preventing my menses from starting), will it be worse? #worryingmom #pleasehelp #advicepls #pregnancy

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Hihi! I was on duphaston at week 5 (1st appt) onwards. This was prescribed due to my history of miscarriages. 5 days after my 1st appt I started to have brown discharge kinda like a streak on my panty liner. I went back to gynae due to this, and based on my scan everything was fine and my dosage was increased which then stopped my brown discharge. Maybe try return to your gynae stating that you started to have some bleeding? They will probably do a scan too to see all is well with the baby. Just get it check out and don't give up!

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Thank you for your kind reply. I'll check in with my gynae tomorrow on it. 🙏🏻