Due date almost near yet no labor sign
Hi Mummies, In my 39+5 week,Still dont have any signs of labor. Is it normal?I wanted normal delivery.

I delivered at 39+5, as blood pressure was too high and doctor induce me. no sign of labor before that, although I'm already 2cm dilated at week 37
Yes it is normal. I gave birth at 40+2. No signs of labour or even dilate on my due date. But I pop 2 days later.
Its normal. I have no sign of labour even on the day of EDD. Follow your gynae's advice will do.
Yes! I popped at 40+1 and to get honest till I didn’t feel anything until night time of my EDD
it's okay. it is normal. follow your gynae's cue. till then, stay safe!
Hang on mommy any time soon it happens.. just be ready .. tc
i gave birth exactly at 40 weeks on my EDD 😊
it's normal, your gynae will advise you