38 weeks 5 days and no sign of labor
Hi Mummies, I am currently 38 weeks and 5 days pregnant and have experienced no sign of labor. Is it normal ? My due date is around 19th March and this will be my first baby #firsttimemom #pleasehelp

Hello mommy it is more common for girl babies to go till 39+ weeks, but this is not true in all cases. I experienced the same my cervix dilated by 3-4 cm but no contractions hence my doctor advised me to fix date for induced labor after explaining the effects of prolonging the delivery. So if your doctor suggests the same just go for it because baby is already full term and will be healthy. My best wishes for a smooth delivery and happy parenting thereafter
Read moreHere's a another post by a fellow mummy also with no sign of labour and first child. Click on the link to read up on my response : https://community.theasianparent.com/q/403weeks-now-signs-labour-yet-i-anxious-everyday-worry-about-baby-moveme/4562227?replyId=42997512&d=android&ct=a&share=true
Not to worry. As long more then 38 weeks and the little one weights more then 3kg you can go for induce any time. My 1st one at week40 and 2nd at week38. All the labor date I self pick :) Try do more brace walk.
Thanks a lot mummies for all your responses. They are really helpful :) Just came from gynae and she mentioned that I am 1.5cms dilated and the baby will come around due date which will be in a week :)
Yes it’s normal, I didn’t have any sign of labour up till the day before I was supposed to be induced and the last checkup before my due date, I was only dilating less than 1cm.
Yup definitely normal, I also have no sign of labour for my first. Too comfortable haha but I had already dilated 4cm then but still no feel. So my gynae ask me choose a date to induce.
Oh okay cool. I have appointment with gynae tomorrow so hopefully will know more
helo! yes its normal. im a first time mom and i got worried too! but then i started feeling contractions on the week 39 day 3.
Young mummy of two beautiful girls Loves to travel, ✈