Wrist Pain

Hi mummies, I'm having left wrist pain for the past 3 weeks since the born of my child. What should I do about it and I need to get it fixed before my husband returns to work. I bought wrist band to help support but it doesn't seems like helping much. TIA

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Super Mom

I used the Futuro thumb stabiliser/wrist guard to help minimise movement. Putting ice pack on the injured area would help too. Eventually i got ibuprofen/panadol from GP, also ketoprofen patches. You can get ketoprofen patches from watson/guardian too. It'll take time to heal so the best way is to minimise movement and find new ways to do things - i had it not long after my baby was born, it went away and then recurred few months later and took 2 long months to heal.

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4y trước

Yes, can use. I am breastfeeding exclusively. Topical medicines dont really affect breastfeeding. You may just want to keep the patches away from baby when you're using them.