Sex after being a mother

Hey Mummies! I'm a FTM who delivered in Nov 2019. Since then, I'm just so tired from taking care of baby, doing housework and work stuff. Sex is definitely the last thing I think of. My husband has been bringing up then we haven't had sex for so many months. But I just feel so dry and totally no mood for it. Don't even feel like being intimate or being touched. On the other hand, I feel guilty for not satisfying his desire too. Sigh, any mummies feel this way too? How long after delivery did you have sex again?

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Yeah i delivered in Oct 2019.. after i finish the postpartum period, my husb quickly wanted to have sex.. i just follow his desire but i was too tight n dry. Even he notice it but he still wants sex.. aiya.. men will be men.. sometimes i had to fake it that i enjoyed it haha.. but now after 4months postpartum i'm back to normal, i have the feeling alrdy 🤭

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