Office Renovation/Dismantling
Hi mummies, I’m currently in very early pregnancy. My company is moving office. Now my office doing renovation/drilling. Should i avoid it?

hi there! if you personally believe in the superstition part of strictly no knocking or renovation during pregnancy, I think you should avoid it just to give you a peace of mind.
Yes please! Avoid it!! Initially i thought it was superstitions, but it actually does puts fetus in distress upon loud noises.
Yup, i did avoid but not 100% so i just hide inside the toilet for quite awhile and listen to my music. 😭
Honestly, tell ur boss that u don’t feel well and request to wfh. Always remember, ur baby is the priority
I didn’t manage to really 100% avoid it. I tried to hide in toilet already but they was there the whole day. 😞