Kkh appt in 2 days but down with flu and fever, what to do?!

Hi mummies! I'm currently 33weeks+. I have a runny/blocked nose since yesterday. Then at night i start to have a slight headache. I thought of just let it be cause i read some say normal and it will go away but now it's getting bad and escalate to fever. This morning tested the ART test but it's negative. My kkh appt is in 2 days but i'm not sure to just wait until my appt or just go ahead to doc under the blk now. Can anyone advice me with this??? #pleasehelp #advicepls #pregnancy #1stimemom

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Super Mom

Hey mama, Wait it out a few days before rescheduling. I’m sure they’ll understand that you’re trying to be socially responsible.

3y trước

thanks for the advice!!