Second hand vape - worried

Hi mummies! I was exposed to 2nd hand vape for an hour or so as my friend’s boyfriend was doing it at dinner. Worried about the effects as I am pregnant in my 3rd trimester. #advicepls #1stimemom #pregnancy

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I am curious why you didn’t ask him to stop? Vaping directly or indirectly should be avoided during pregnancy and breastfeeding. The research around vaping isn’t as advanced as smoking as vaping is a relatively new habit. So from my knowledge there is also no research done on the second hand effect of vaping. However, what we do know is vaping has a lot of chemicals and it’s expected to be similarly bad as cigarettes. It’s not just in the fact that it may affect your pregnancy, but it’s effect may be seen much later as well. In children aged 2–3 years old, maternal smoking was associated with over activeness, aggressiveness, and oppositional tendencies. Overall, it has been established that maternal smoking negatively affects maternal physiological, behavioral, and developmental health, as well as neonatal health. Now that it’s done, nothing you can do about it - but I highly recommend that you walk off next time someone tries to vape in front of you.

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