Second hand vape - worried

Hi mummies! I was exposed to 2nd hand vape for an hour or so as my friend’s boyfriend was doing it at dinner. Worried about the effects as I am pregnant in my 3rd trimester. #advicepls #1stimemom #pregnancy

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While I'm not a medical expert, it might be a good idea to consult your healthcare provider just to be on the safe side. In general, second-hand vape exposure is best minimized, especially during pregnancy. It's fantastic that you're proactive about your health and your baby's well-being. Perhaps next time, you can kindly ask your friend's boyfriend to vape away from you or in a well-ventilated area. On a side note, if you're considering alternatives for your friend's boyfriend, there are reputable places where you can Bulk Buy Vapes These options often offer a variety of choices, ensuring a more considerate and discreet vaping experience.

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