Normal to scream when you feel the peak of contractions during delivery?

Mummies, i remember screaming pain at some point when contractions are on the peak. My kids are delivered normal without epidural just normal delivery. 3rd born -Control as much as possible 4 hours contractions. intense pain came in at the last 1 hr , remembered screaming and manage to push baby out with 3 push. I still found it embrassing to scream but only mommies know the pain was 'killing angel in us'..Any tips mummies..

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Screaming actually lessens the power in your push. Take a deep breath, close your eyes and push. The stress should not be on your neck and eyes, it should be from your diaphragm to your hips. LOL. Now that I think of it, I pushed wrongly so the veins on my eyes burst. I sported bloodied eye balls for about 2 months after giving birth to my first born.

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4y trước

Tearing is unavoidable 🤣 can’t imagine the pain again after so many years (12 years ago).