7 Replies

About 24 weeks can feel tiny kicks. About 27 weeks onwards can feel the movements more obviously. Nothing to worry cos eventually by week 30 when you’re starting kick counts you can feel the baby movements already.

me too, but mine was mid anterior placenta. couldn't rly feel until week 21.. now going week 23, sometimes if movement intense and see the tummy jerk once awhile.

Started feeling at week 22 and now at week 23 feel more. Usually feel it at the lower abdomen and mostly when I lie down flat

I don't think there is any set times to feel it! Cause I also had anterior placenta but I felt flutters since week 17

Not to worry. Wait few weeks more.... Early 20 21 weeks can't feel much.. Bb still small

Also have anterior placenta but felt my baby’s movements early at around week 18-19!


could b up to 24 weeks

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