gyane check up

Hi mummies. I overlooked my appointment date on fetal scan and gynae check up. it was suppose to be tmr but i thought i was today. #pregnancybrain. ive already applied leave for today. is it possible to just come down to the hospital and ask them to squeeze in the scan and appointment for me. ?

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I don’t think so. Usually have other mummies already booked slots so it’d be impossible to squeeze you in as that would mean cutting down on others’ check up time

Super Mom

I doubt they can squeeze in something for you, they're always full. Can just take tomorrow as sick leave? The dr will be able issue mc

5y trước

Glad it worked out!

Hey, I think better is to take mc for tomorrow as squeezing in is difficult and they are always full

Super Mom

If it’s a public hospital, probably 0% chance. You can ask for an mc tomorrow

5y trước

Wow that’s so rare! Happy for you though:)

Thành viên VIP

Hope you managed to see your gynaecologist!

5y trước

hopefully cross finger.