Food crisis, what do you think?

Hello mummies, I often check news on how the situation is going around the globe. Singapore imports most of its food from outside countries. The current situation that happens right now its terrifying..I wonder if any of you stocking up for most emergency foods and goods. What do you think and how do you prepare?

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Well, it is kind of nervous & terrified with the current situation. But, I can say Singapore government will not leave their citizen hanging and questioning despite the economy. They do have the place where all dry good and wet goods are kept to sustain all the necessary for citizens. However, if you feel the need to keep goods for emergency, you can buy and keep safely in bomb shelter where it will be the last place you will have your stock to sustain through the down period. I can say it is indeed good idea preparing it but don't be too kiasu to hoard everything just like circuit breakdown recently.

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2y trước

Yeah, not just SG I have friends staying overseas face the same too.

What is so terrifying right now? 😨🤔

wad are the food crisis now???