Bm leaking
Hi mummies! I am not sure if wad I am feeling is engorgement? Like out of a sudden boobs feel pain and very full..den bm will start leaking out continuously...wad should I do so as not to waste the liquid gold? Everytime this issue caught me off guard. The amount of leaks probably got 5ml on each side. Or do u just wear nursing pads to absorb the leaks?

This sounds like your let down reflex, sometimes when I hear baby cry or even think about baby itle will happen 😂. and when letdown starts you might feel a little painful too. Engorgement would be more like constant pain rather than sudden feeling. You can use a finger to block the nipple for a few seconds to stop the letdown if you don't want to waste the milk.
Read moreI use breastmilk collection cups to collect the milk, then store the milk. But I usually do that when I’m latching baby one side, and the other side can spray out up to 45ml of milk. I also do that if I’m pumping from only one side. If I’m not feeding or pumping and I’m not engorged, then I use nursing pads to absorb it
Read moreI wear reusable breast pads. I also get really small amounts of 5-10ml if I collect so I prefer to press the nipple to stop the let down. Cause collection mean have to store and wash the extra container... too much hassle!
Mummy use haakaa and hand express to release some or use the milk collector husk. Usually it will only happen the first 3 month after birth. For my case normally is baby feeding time it will start.
I use nursing pads. It depends whether you really wanna store, if yes then use milk collector like hakka. Best to latch baby on demand too. And sooner or later your body will regulate the supply.
Thanks mummy!
Hey, Please use nursing pads. Also, when you latch the baby on demand, the body regulates the supply accordingly and this will get better soon
Nursing pads help if you can't pump atm
Use collection cups
Mama to a boss baby