Hi mummies, i need help. I stopped bf when my LO is abt 2 months. Mainly because of my constant cracked nipples everytime baby bf. I have been giving her formula milk ever since. I can't stop feeling guilty of not bf baby. She's 4 months + now. And i want to bf her so badly, even if it's exclusive since i am a full time working single mum. I am so afraid that i no longer sustain any milk in my body for her. Is there any way i could reproduce the milk or if those lactation booster helps? 🥺

Hey there, mama! First off, big hugs to you. It sounds like you're going through a lot, but you're not alone in this journey. It's completely understandable to feel guilty, but remember, you're doing your best for your little one. Now, let's talk about getting back to breastfeeding. It's absolutely possible, even after stopping for a while. Your body is amazing and can often bounce back with the right support. Lactation boosters can be a game-changer for many moms. They're designed to help stimulate milk production, so they could definitely work for you. You might want to consider trying them out along with some other tips to help encourage milk production. Firstly, try to nurse or pump as often as you can. Frequent stimulation tells your body that it needs to produce more milk. Since you're a full-time working mom, pumping might be your best bet during the day, and then nursing when you're together in the evenings and mornings. Make sure you're staying hydrated and eating nutritious foods. Your body needs plenty of fuel to make milk, so don't skimp on those healthy snacks! Also, try to create a relaxing environment when you're nursing or pumping. Stress can hinder milk production, so take some deep breaths, maybe even listen to some calming music or do some gentle stretches. If you find that you need a bit more support, there are also lactation consultants who can help you troubleshoot any issues and provide personalized advice. Remember, every drop of breast milk you can give your baby is valuable, but ultimately, what matters most is that you're both happy and healthy. You're doing an amazing job, mama! Mama's Choice $18 voucher 👉🏻
Read moreBm will not be the only good food that you’ll be giving her. If baby is healthy and happy, nothing wrong with fm. In fact, I believe most of us grew up being a full time fm babies. Juggling work and family as a single parent is tough enough. Pick your battles.
My mum is 60++, she only breast feed me for 1 or 2 mths and she's back to work last time. My siblings and I grew up healthy. Don't worry too much...jiayou