Difficult to breastfeed Lo

Hi mummies. Is there anyone of u had short nipple and successfully direct latch ur baby? Eversince my baby was warded due to dehydration coz my milk supply kind of low and my baby started to drink formula up till now. I did not direct latch my baby when she was warded coz my nipple kind of sore. So after i had proper confinement (massage etc), my nipple and boobs is back to normal (no longer sore) and im ready to direct latch my baby but my baby had difficulty sucking my nipple and end up i have to give her formula straight. Not sure what went wrong though. I wanted to mixed breastfeed her since they say by direct latch, it also helps to boost ur milk supply. Anyone had the same issue or had any solution for me. Its only 16 days after i gave birth 🥺🥺🥺#pleasehelp #1stimemom #advicepls #firstbaby

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Hi, I use a nipple puller and it helps to protrude the nipple before I latch. If you’d like I can mail it to you to try. Telegram me at theafamily1