Worried ... stressed ....

Hello Mummies. I had two miscarriages previously. Wanted a 2nd kiddo but was kinda scared of what had happened. Finally got preggy but when did the 1st Trim scan for down syndrome, the scan showed thick NT. Literally broke down when Doctor shared this news. Was told to do more tests. Still pending to come back for more results with the blood test done. I'm a high risk Mum coz am 38 this year and had 2 cases of miscarriages. Report stated DS should be 1:121. Any Mummies had similar experience to share?

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Thành viên VIP

Hi i feel you! The NT for my baby was thick and my risk came back as 1:10 for DS. Because it was so high risk, i was advised to go for CVS or amnio instead of nipt. CVS/Amnio is a diagnostic test and hence can pinpoint not only DS but other chromosomes. I went for amnio in the end and the result came back all normal. So the oscar test was a false positive. Oscar test tend to give older women higher risk, so you may consider going for CVS/amnio (do note these 2 are invasive tests hence there is a slight risk of miscarriage of around 1:300). You may discuss with your gynae or husband.

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Thành viên VIP

Sorry to hear that dear. I have no experience of what you are going through. But would love to support you. Do not feel stressed, it will affect the pregnancy and its not good for your mental health. As long as baby is healthy, and support baby to be strong through the pregnancy. In sure he/she will be a happy baby and glad to be able to touch you momma. 🥰 Embrace it ❤️ 💪🏻

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There is still hope! U can do panorama or harmony? Oscar is not too accurate. A lot came back with good news after! See what your doc suggest. Don’t give up hope!