High risk for Down Syndrome

Hi mummies, I just got my FTS final result and in high risk for DS (1 in 60).. Mainly due to my very low levels of Papp-a (0.38) and high level of HCG (2.7). Doctor said ideally is close to 1.0 for both. I'm 29 this year, so was in the moderate risk. Because of the blood test results, it put me in very high risk for DS and advised me to do Harmony test. Nasal bone seen and NT in normal range (less than 3mm). Any mummies can share if they went through the same type of blood level results? How was it after, what did your Dr advise and was baby born healthy? I'm so worried now :(

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I did FTS and was 1 in 200. Also considered high risk. Nasal bone also seen and NT also in normal range. Was advised to do NIPT which I did and NIPT showed low probability. I’d say that you do NIPT to see what’s the results. FTS has lower accuracy. And there are several factors that affect FTS assessment. For me it was age and low level of papp-a. Big hugs. All might be well.

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3y trước

Great news! I had no call and went back for my check up 2 weeks later where Dr reviewed the results with me. Thank goodness low risk for all 3 trisomy!! I almost cried from relief 🥲

Just an update, I got my harmony results and all is good! Low risk for all 3 trisomy. The report was ready in 7 days but I did not know the results until I went for my appt at Kkh 2 weeks later.

3y trước

I first drew blood for first trimester screening at 10 weeks. Usually if its low risk for trisomy 21/18/13, then no further tests needed. But if its high risk, then I did another blood test for harmony at 13 weeks.

hello my papp-a level was 0.02 and I did the Harmony test, all was good. my boy is turning 5MO in a few days.

3y trước

How was your free beta hcg level? Did the Dr say anything about the low level papp-a? Like baby might have slower growth?