5 Replies

unless your Gynae tell you something is wrong, there is really nothing to worry about .. i had my 26 weeks scan and baby wasn't moving much .. we heard the heart rate and saw he's heart beating .. when the ultrasound technician needed to check his eyes, lips, nose he was facing back .. tried many times nudging, he still doesnt move .. i was asked to cough as well but doesnt work either .. eventually i was suggested to pee and when i came back to the ultrasound bed, baby was seen yawning twice .. and only then he moved .. he was actually sleeping .. (the appt was at 8.30am!) lol ! also, i'd advice you to ask the gynae should u have any qns and concerns .. its not good to go home then wondered .. it causes unecessary stress . :)

hi fellow mommy, since baby has a normal heartbeat you can be assured that he/she is okay. it is possible for babies to be asleep in the womb, hence not much movement. usually, I eat breakfast before going to my scans and I can see baby moving. When I went for my Oscar scan, the baby was initially moving alot then towards the end, baby kinda calm down a little and the sonographer mentioned that the baby is falling asleep. lol.

sometimes baby sleep or less active during scan.. don't worry, since heartbeat and baby spotted and doctor never say anything unusual.. just relax and look forward to the next appointment.. eat something and relax before the scan, maybe the scan can see more movement 😊

Baby just don't feel like moving. As long there is Jo concern pointed out by doc, it should be OK. My first child was barely active in the womb (as in very relaxed) but this current one, everyday like have a party.

My baby never moved through all my ultrasounds, but now he's out and well. Don't worry. Baby wont keep moving they need to rest too.

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