Lower stomach pain at 36 weeks
Hi mummies! Recently i’ve been having this throbbing sharp pain at the lower stomach. It feels like somebody is slicing through my stomach. I’m a FTM. Could this be ligament pain or early labour that my body is preparing? It has been ongoing for few days, even when I woke up from sleep thinking the pain will go away. Help :( #firsttimemom
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Lower stomach pain at 36 weeks
Hi mummies! Recently i’ve been having this throbbing sharp pain at the lower stomach. It feels like somebody is slicing through my stomach. I’m a FTM. Could this be ligament pain or early labour that my body is preparing? It has been ongoing for few days, even when I woke up from sleep thinking the pain will go away. Help :( #firsttimemom
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Hi mummies!! I’m a FTM & i will be having my first 3rd trimester scan in 2 weeks’ time which i’ll be 28 weeks then. May I know during the growth scan, do doctors/nurses let us see a 3D/4D scan instead of the normal 2D scan or we must request in advanced? I’m a subsidised patient anyway. #advicepls
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Hi mummies! I’m 19w 3d to be exact today & i’ve been feeling SUPER SHARP PAIN on the lower right side of my stomach only, it has been going on for 3 days straight now. The pain come & go every 6-8 hours, even while I’m sleeping. I felt abdominal pain before since 15 weeks that come & go (i know that temporary feeling) but it doesn’t hurt as much as the one I’m feeling right now. It hurts soo badly every time I try to change to a different sleeping position or when I’m sitting down. I’m worried if anything is happening. what could it be? #advicepls #pleasehelp This is my first pregnancy…
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Hi mummies! I am 18w 2d to be exact & this is my first pregnancy. Yesterday was the first time ever that I felt my baby’s movement like gentle tap & wriggling quite a lot of times through out the day, even when I was taking a nap. I was so happy! But today, i don’t feel anything at all. Is it normal that sometimes baby’s movements come & go? #advicepls #firsttimemama
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