urgent help!

Hi mummies I am feeling so lost now. My 2yr old has been having constipation after about 3 to 4 months of coming out from it. He hates prune juice and anything I hide it with he knows and end up rejecting it. I even went to the extend of baking him muffin but he did not want to eat. Please give me some ideas to help him.

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Hi... constipation for the past 3 to 4 months is quite serious. I would suggest that you bring your child to the PD or doctor for consultation

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Please bring your child to a pd. I think after 3 to 4 mths is quite bad. The pd should be able to prescribe something for your child.

Probiotics, yoghurt, papaya, increase his fluids, cherry tomatoes work like a charm for my children

Pro biotics powder or drops, can be mixed with milk, no taste :)

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If prunes r not taking better to give probiotics ..

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what about banana ? can try

6y trước

Yup banana can’t eat if he constipated ..