Nothing from the scan
Hi mummies, I just did my first ultrasound supposedly at week 5+. But doc found nothing in the tummy. Pregnancy test kit shows positive thou. Kinda worrying ☹️

Please check with your doc if he/she has ruled out etopic pregnancy via monitoring your blood HCG. The same happened to me once and upon second or third scan, they diagnosed my case as etopic, which is life threatening. After that incident, my subsequent pregnancy, I got very paranoid and go for scan immediately after positive test, just to make sure they see the sac. As long as your doc rule out etopic, everything should be ok. Keep close monitoring until you see the sac in the scan. Hope everything goes well for you.
Read moreWeek5 can’t see anything much from the scan~ me and my wife also went on week5, doc say too early to see anything, but tiny tiny yolksac is visible~ 2 more weeks u will heard the heartbeat Super clear le~ all the best 🙏

Usually only able to see and hear heartbeat earliest at 6 weeks. Don't worry too much and take note on the food you eat and drink. Go for the scan again at week 8, the heartbeat can be heard! All the best! 😉😉
Yeah guess I'll need to wait patiently for now. Thank you 😊
Dr got to press really hard to see something at wk 5 for me. I went to see her again 2 wks later and can hear and see the heart beat. Did dr ask you to go and see him/her again in 2 wks time?
The doctor did the same to me. I was so worried that I asked if pressing hard will hurt the foetus' and its development. Haha.
Big hug for you dear. Don’t think too much yet. I’m sure they’ve arranged for a follow up scan for you soon. Hope everything goes well...keep us posted so we can support you ok?
That's too early! Ultrasound can't detect unless if they use something to insert in your vijayjay and have a closer look. it's uncomfortable thou but they will ask u to come back fore sure
First time got abit ganjiong and scan it too early 😅 will try again in 1-2 weeks time and thank you 🙂
Don worry I also when I go see doc for check doc say I early pregnant den I go for a check up den I when for 2nd ultrasound scan den doc say I got yolk already I also 5 week plus
Welcome all will be fine
My first ultrasound was at 5 and a half weeks. The baby was very tiny, pretty much a tiny circle. We saw the sac on the scan though
Maybe it's too early to show. Just wait few more weeks and see how. In e meantime, just relax yourself.
Yeah will try again two weeks later and thank you 🙂
The foetus is still very small. Wait until another few weeks for the next ultrasound scan.
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