2 Replies

VIP Member

Try to let baby born when full term. Better for baby. If baby comes too early usually has alot of issue.

Super Mum

Hi mama, May I ask if you were induced? (I ask because that’s what your subject title reads)

Sure - thanks mama - didn’t quite read the post properly…my bad (sorry! 😩) Have you read up or asked your gynae about what’s involved when it comes to an induction? The pros and cons and what ifs? You could start with this article: https://evidencebasedbirth.com/evidence-on-inducing-labor-for-going-past-your-due-date/ Essentially, this one speaks of the pros and cons of inducing for due dates. There’s a table in this article in particular which I find useful and I’ve attached here. Also, ask your gynae what an induction involves before you make a decision. I’m not saying it’s wrong, I’m just saying that you should be informed before making a decision. Inductions work differently for every mama so best you understand the procedure.

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