No appetite and outbreaks

Hi mummies, may i check with you on how you deal with no appetite and food aversion. Also with crazy outbreaks. I’m at my 11th week now. Affecting so much on the mood!….#pregnancy

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Just try to eat biscuits or breads for breakfast and dinner. For lunch, since I am not wfh, I really forced myself to eat mixed rice with smaller portion of rice but more dishes and with green chilli n vinegar 😋 Try to drink water with a bit of lemon juice. Hope these help! I am in week 13 now, my morning sickness started from week 6. I stil experience it atm.. appetite not come bk yet.. hopefully, soon

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I'm 1 week behind you! same here.. i get extremely hungry but some food smell or eat already don't feel like eating. i was adviced to eat whatever you feel like eating or drinking! so if you're feeling it for macD just go for it! i snack on plain biscuits and nuts in between meals too

hi mummy! i force myself to eat something bland when i had food aversions. something like porridge or oats. i also drink maternal milk so that i can still get nutrients even though i have not been eating much. take care!

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try some light bites? like fruits/crackers? avoid strong smelling food if you sensitive to smell. i had very bad morning sickness in my first tri too, hang in there. most importantly, remember to hydrate yourself!

around that time too I dun have much appetite so I will take avocado or fruits for lunch and sometime soya drink and some energy bar just to get some food in.

Thank you so much mummies! Will try to take your suggestions.. ❤️ Hope you all can get the appetite back too! 💪🏻

small portion each time but multiple meal .