8 Replies

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Yup mostly I will say hm test is jst for our own personal reviews the accurate answer is HOSPITAL VISIT if 100% u wanna be accurate means ASK THEM TO DO A BLOOD TEST tat will nvr GO WRONG... Fingers crossed anyway

If it is the same test kit and you check it 2hours later, the reading is voided. Usually there is a timeframe, you have to read the kit instruction. I would said you earlier reading is correct☺️

Erm, you can either try with a few more kits or go straight to the Gynae to confirm. It will be cheaper to double confirm with kits, gynaes are ex 😅

Do head down to polyclinic to do urine test it is more accurate

To be sure and know the actual result, do visit the clinic

Go poly straight for the urine test! All the best!

go to the clinic for a test. more accurate!


buy clear blue digital most accurate

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