4 Replies

Currently 31 weeks + 5 days. From yesterday my baby moved lesser in the day, luckily she's very active in the evening to night. Was worried cos she moved so little, even after I took chocolate or sweet stuff. Which was different from last time.

My baby does this too! Used to eat chocolates or anything sweet to make her move about but i soon to realise her pattern. 🤣 she moves a little bit in the afternoon & is the most active when im naturally relax! Especially around 1-6am when im trying to get some sleep. Even hubby ask me, how do i go to sleep with all this movements? 😢

Lie on your side or eat a snack or shake your belly then count. Sld kick 10 times in 2 hours. Mine can move all day for one day then the next day only a bit

Mine can be dormant for hours then move a lot. It can be alternate days of active/inactive too. There's not really a pattern either haha

I see!! okay looks like there is not going to be a pattern ah. they have their own moods😆

count 30 movements, repeat every few hours, use the kick counter in this app to count

if you use the kick counter in this app, it will count how up to 30 kicks, not time dependent. different gynaes have different practices. for some 30 kicks in a day is enough

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