play time?
hi mummies, how often n how long do u play with baby daily? i’m so exhausted with taking care that i don’t really set aside time to play with 2m old baby. feel like a bad mummy.

When lo was 2m.. usually I jz placed lo on my lap on bed or rest on bed side way lying down with together or I use gym playmat or baby bouncer. I will Singsong / chit chat for 20mins to an hour in the day daily. Or on some soft music.. Admiring lo whole day. Never enough. haha.Sometimes On bed, I took alot of photos n videos too 😂 Anyway most of the time, lo was sleeping so I can get some rest during the day. I napped when lo asleep. Also most of the time I was pumping milk / bf. I didn’t really “play” cos lo too young. Save the energy when lo is bigger trust me . My toddler is so active now 😈😈😈 You can story telling / singsong / chatting / get gym play mat if you don’t have one. Or let baby hold toys Sometimes they will entertain them self..
Read moreHi dear... how can you be a bad mummy? You’re taking care of your baby every day! At 2 months, baby still has short awake intervals, and most of this is spent feeding and being cuddled by you. You’re doing a great job! ❤️ You can try placing baby on your chest so baby can do some tummy time and also bond with you. This is considered play at this age :) As baby gets older, and hopefully sleeps longer, you’ll have more energy to play with baby (P.S. Buy a play gym with dangling toys. Comes in real handy at 3-6 months. You can lie down and rest beside baby while baby’s playing with the toys :) )
Read moreTbh at 2 months there's not much you can do with your baby so don't feel bad about not setting aside time to play 😅. The most you can do is tummy time and showing baby colorful pictures and read to baby. When they're a bit older and can interact with you more, there's plenty more opportunity for play. But at this stage the best thing you can provide is plenty of love, cuddles and care and I'm sure you're doing that already so don't feel like you're a bad mummy!
Read moreDon’t feel bad and don’t be too hard on yourself! You taking care of your baby makes you an awesome mummy. I know how you feel. If all you did is feeding, burping, bathing, hugging, cuddling your baby etc. it’s a day well spent. Just talk to your baby, sing lullabies and be present in the daily activities!
Read moreHey mum, Please don't be hard on yourself by thinking like this. Taking care of the baby all the time, in itself is a very big job to do everyday. Just have tummy time and cuddling time with the baby and that would still enhance your bonding with the baby. So do not worry and enjoy these moments
I play or talk to my baby when I change her diaper or during feed time.. Talk and smile at her. Other than that... No time 😂
You are not alone. Dont feel bad. Taking care of baby milk and diaper needs will take priority over play for 2 months old baby.
I'm sure you're not a bad mummy.. Maybe try to make time before their bedtime, otherwise play with them over the weekends.
Around an hour is fine, just go with the flow... And don't stress yourself out
If on weekdays after work around 1hr. Weekend i will spemd more time wit him