A1 kkh deposit

Hi mummies how much is A1 ward deposit? #firstbaby #1stimemom

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I just delivered at KKH last week, opted for A1 ward and made a deposit approx 2.8k. I admitted to the delivery suite first then husband was told to do admission for me, during the registration will need to make the payment already.

Check out the KKH calculator. Pretty accurate. I paid $4851 for my ward A1 deposit. Estimated Bill Calculator Form-Delivery https://www.kkh.com.sg/patient-care/Pages/Estimated-Bill-Calculator-Form-Delivery.aspx

Thành viên VIP

Normal delivery is about $2.5k+ in cash if you do not have any outstanding bills. If yes, then you have to clear the outstanding together with the deposit. It is on their website.

Super Mom

Hi there! For A ward, normal delivery, deposit is around $3k. C-sect is about $4k+.

3y trước

Can the deposit be paid with Credit Card?

Hi. I deposited about $3K ++

1y trước

Deposit to be paid as part of pre-admission. Any excess in deposit paid will be refunded back to you after getting your final bill (Nov 2023)