Toddler first day of school

Hi mummies! How many days did your LO cry when you first sent your LO to school? I just sent my LO to nursery.

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Super Mom

My daughter didn’t cry the first week when other kids were crying, then cried the second week when the other kids stopped 😂 Took about a week to settle down. But different kids are different. Some of them will need pep talks every morning. Just try to make school sound very exciting. Haha

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My son cried everyday for a whole year hahahahha... he started in PN and now is in k2.. his sister just started Playgrp a few days ago and is still crying lol

5y trước

wow thats tough! haha

Super Mom

Some settle down quickly while some will take months to settle down. It is normal for kids to cry during the first few weeks of school.

mine didnt cry for the 1st few days (too busy exploring), then cried abit a few days after when her classmates cry...then ok already

Thành viên VIP

My still crying badly 🤦🏼‍♀️ I think boys cry more .. Today day 6 🤦🏼‍♀️

Hi, Mine cried for a week but then slowly she was fine as she found classmates :)

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Mine cried during the first two days, she was fine after that(: